PEERS® Social Skills Program

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) was originally developed at UCLA by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder and Director of the UCLA PEERS Clinic, and Dr. Fred Frankel. Since its inception in 2005, PEERS has expanded to locations across the U.S. and around the world. PEERS® is a manualized, social skills training intervention for adolescents and young adults. It has a strong evidence-base for use with teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorders, Asperger syndrome and similar social and communication challenges but is also appropriate for other populations. Recent research has demonstrated that gains made over the course of this program are maintained 3-5 years later (Laugeson et al., 2013). We have adapted the program to be neurodivergent affirming and added a self advocacy element.

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PEERS® is different than other Social Skills Programs

  • Is evidence-based
  • Includes parents
  • Is structured like a class, not a therapy group
  • Teaches ecologically valid social skills based on how socially successful individuals behave
  • Breaks down social skills into understandable steps taught in an effective way
  • Builds in the generalization of skills to “real life” settings
  • Teaches skills that transfer to the workplace

Professionals around the country report that the PEERS® program has made a tremendous difference for their clients. Almost all participants enter the PEERS® program having participated in other social skills groups. Many of them have found these past experiences disappointing. The PEERS® program is a unique and exciting opportunity for those ready and able to commit to the program.

PEERS Chicago is a program of Diane Gould Therapy, LLC.